Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Short Stories Fiction ? Ronald Rock

Ronald Rock sat silently on the edge of the desk of Jeff patiently waiting to wake up. It was almost noon and was still fast asleep. But what you want from a 15-year-old boy who was gradually more interested in playing with girls more than Ronald expected. It was almost three months since the last time they played together, but every morning Ronald sat on the edge of the desk, waiting for his friend to wake up so much better.

Jeff moved under theCover and yawned as he began to wake up. He sat down slipped against the headboard of his bed, queen bed and blinked in the light of noon, it would go away and do him sleep a little longer. was "Ronald intense feelings when he is ready for an exciting day of adventure with Jeff. He just knew that this is the day to go to the Jeff want to play. He just knew. Ronald tried to sit up, so Jeff capable would be to see him, but he was not limited to, unable to moveeverywhere.

Jeff slid his feet out of bed and put his fluffy slippers, the orderly was standing next to his bed Sat on it and stretched high and wide as he could only gape as long in the fresh cold air to the south. Ronald anticipation grew as Jeff shuffled sleepily on his desk still a groggy, awakened so early in the midday sun. Ronald Jeff greeted with a warm good morning, but no sound escaped his mouth. He tried again but still nothing. What was wrong with him?He was shocked and tried desperately to cry as Jeff went past him at the door of his room. Still nothing. Ronald difficult to turn and jump the counter and chase Jeff and shuffled down the hall, but without success. Defeat decreased, the heart Ronald on the floor and sadness overtook him. He knew that today would not get to play with Jeff.

Ronald Rock Pet Jeff forgotten and gathering dust sitting as the sun rose and fell each day goes through the same routine daysday. Still hopes to play for his chance, but knowing in his heart that that day never come.

Source: http://entertainment-short-fiction.chailit.com/short-stories-fiction-ronald-rock.html

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