Monday, February 20, 2012

Neurodevelopmental Disorders ? Does Your Child Have One of ...

Neurodevelopmental disorders are different from a simple developmental disability.? A developmental disability means anything that causes, with an onset during childhood, delays in normal function.? These could include, but are not limited to, mental retardation, seizures, or cerebral palsy. The child with a developmental disability will have problems with mobility, learning, self care and/or communication.

Neurodevelopmental disorders mean the specific disorder that causes the disability. This can include, but is not limited to, Autism, Down syndrome, Williams?s syndrome or Fragile X. Of the neurodevelopmental disorders Autism is probably one of the ones most familiar to the general public. It is one of he better know pervasive developmental disorders and has three very distinctive sets of symptoms.? These include a lack of imaginative play that is instead replaced by repetitive play, difficulties with spoken communication and non-spoken communication and an inability to have normal social interplay.

Turner?s syndrome is exclusively a condition suffered by girls.

It is caused because the X chromosome is either totally or partly missing. Some of the signs of Turner?s are the girls being short and not having normal development as they reach puberty. She may also have kidney or heart deformities.? This syndrome can arise in one in twenty five hundred births of girls.?

Fragile X can affect boys or girls. A child with this disorder is usually mentally retarded to some degree or at the very least has learning disabilities. They also have social interaction problems and other autistic like symptoms. Interestingly Fragile X will come up once in two thousand male births, but oddly only once in four thousand births of girls.

William?s syndrome is another neurodevelopmental disorder.

This one is much more unusual occurring only rarely with one in every twenty-five thousand births. Its characteristics include failure to thrive and slow growth, widely spaced teeth, developmental delays, high blood calcium levels, language and behavioral difficulties, and hyperacusis, which is oversensitivity to loud sounds.? Despite these difficulties sufferers of William?s syndrome are known for being very friendly and outgoing.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, occurs in a surprisingly large number of children. Studies have shown that three to five percent of all school age children suffer from ADHD.? The symptoms include difficulty focusing, being distracted easily, impatience, restlessness, difficulty in staying in one place and a host of others that all come down to trouble paying attention. Twenty five percent of children with ADHD also have a parent with it.

No matter which neurodevelopmental disorder a child has early intervention and a good program designed specifically with their special needs in mind is essential to give them the best chance at a full life as they grow.

If you think that there is ?something not right? with your child you must find out as soon as possible if autism is the issue. Treatments are less effective with each passing day as we grow older, so find out now with the complete autism resource for determining symptoms and goes into depth about ALL treatment options for autism, natural AND medical. So do your family a favor and check out the information at Autism Symptoms


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